Über Mich

Working in the airline industry after university, I realized the importance of English as a world language. It became increasingly clear how vital it is to speak and understand English when travelling, to communicate with people from around the globe. I then went on to work in the training department of the UK’s flag carrier airline, which helped me gain a background in training in order to design and develop training courses. 

I had always been interested in teaching English and an opportunity came up to teach English in Austria, Germany and the UK in schools, universities, companies and for private individuals. I took TEFL training courses including a Cambridge CELTA and then a Delta course and I have now been teaching English for 13 years. 

13 years


Nowadays, as an experienced English language teacher, I am able to pass on my knowledge and tips to customers.  This helps satisfy them, so that they enjoy the learning experience and therefore improve their English. I believe that success in learning the language comes also by doing something that you enjoy normally in your regular day to day life, but in English. For example, watching travel documentaries in English (with English subtitles). By doing something that you like doing anyway, you will want to do it more often, and therefore you will improve your English naturally, learning sub-consciously. Lessons are vital of course, to be guided and corrected and be taught particular language skills and systems and given exercises to help iron these mistakes out.  

I still thoroughly enjoy teaching, especially when I see how much my learners have improved and gained confidence in their English. It is extremely rewarding for me to see how their improved English helps them in their working and private lives. For example, I taught English to a German pediatric nurse, who then went on to volunteer in a children’s hospital in India. We met after she came back and her work had been incredibly helpful to the hospital. It was also a life-changing experience for her and she went on to become a children’s doctor.